Sunday, May 31, 2020

Notes for 背不动-北京2014 video

2020年6月2日星期二上午8:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《背不动-北京2014》这个视频。



0:10 陈老师示范如果我们能分阴阳(不动与动),力就出来。这个示范,背部靠墙是不动,手拨作拨右是动。要明白的是在这示范里面,只要当每个人靠墙使背不动,都可以做出来。

4:10 一旦背部离开墙,同一个动作就变成非常难。如果有方法使背部不动,动作就能成功。背不动是一个例子。不动点可以不是背部,那一点真的不动就可以。

5:28 其实每个人都有劲,因为两脚在地上。动的地方就可以跟不动的找到关系,变得有用。我们要把不动的地搬到背部。

6:20 如果对方背不动,你能动他的不动点,这就可以了。怎样动对方,要螺旋缠丝。

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Notes for Iowa 2018-2 video


In this video, Master Chen talked about the Taiji trinity: Principle, Concept and Technique. He demonstrated using Six Sealing Four Closing how a technique reflected the concept. In theory, to separate, you must cut something into two halves, how can we still separate yin and yang without pulling our limbs out?

2020年7月7日星期二上午8:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《Iowa 2018-2 陈中华美国爱荷华州讲座英文》这个视频。

在这视频中,陈老师谈到了太极三位一体:原则,概念和技术。 他用《六封四闭》演示了一个技术如何反映概念。 从理论上谈分开,必须将某物切成两半,如何在不拉开四肢的情况下仍能分阴阳呢?


0:25 Master Chen talked about first level of transmission and second level of transmission. First level means that you directly receive the information. Second level is that you receive the information indirectly through another person or group of people who supposingly have received the information directly or through first hand experience. When we get the 2nd level of information, we should always have a little doubt about it.

0:25 陈老师谈到了第一级传承和第二级传承。 第一级意味着您直接获得信息。 第二级是从另一个人或一群人间接接收信息。那一个人或一群人是直接获得信息的。 当我们获得第二级信息时,我们应该对此信息抱有一点怀疑的。

1:40 Principles, Concepts and Techniques help explain how things work (theories). They must be very clear in our mind. For example, if something is yin, then it can simply not be yang at the same time. If we talk about actions in our body, considering the arm and the torso, when the arm is moving, the torso cannot be moving. If we are stepping, we must only step, and don't turn at the same time.

1:40 原则、概念和技术属于理论,它们有助解释动作的原理。 它们在我们心中必须非常清楚。 比方说,如果某东西是阴,那么它根本不能同时是阳。 如果我们谈论身体的动作,同时考虑胳膊和躯干,那么当胳膊动时,躯干就不能动。 如果我们要上步,我们就只能动脚,而身体不能同时转。

4:00 According to daoist principles, we must be very clear (very yin-yang separated). If we are clear, the opponent will become very confused. Where does that cofusion come from? When we have many yin-yang pairs, the opponent does not know what to do with them, because they can't see clearly themselves. Are you doing this or are you doing that?

4:00 根据道教原则,我们必须非常清楚(能分阴阳)。an 如果我们清楚,对手将变得非常困惑。 困惑从何而来? 我们有许多对阴阳时,对手会不知所措,因为他们自己看不清。 对手会想我们正在做东还是做西?

7:50 How to stretch? The method is to lock the two ends (e.g. front hand and rear foot), and then get rid of all the protrusions (e.g. push the shoulder down). In the demonstration, Master Chen showed the left foot to the right hand through the back of the waist, while the right foot to the left elbow through the front of the waist. The two lines intersected and created a rotation at the waist. Back of the dantian went forward while the front of the dantian went backward.

7:50 如何伸展? 方法是定住两头(例如前手和后脚),然后除去所有突出来的地方(例如将肩膀向下压)。 在示范中,陈老师将左脚通过腰部对上右手,又将右脚通过腰部对上右肘。 两条线相交使腰部产生旋转。 丹田的后面往前,而丹田的前面往后。

10:50 For real, movements must be big, e.g. you pull/yank the opponent with your arms, and kick the opponent at the same time with your feet while the body does not move. In the future with training, the actions will become more precise, such as two cables being pull in opposite directions within a single tube.

10:50 真实的动作必须很大,比方说,你用胳膊拉对手,并在身体不动的同时用脚踢向对手。 将来随着训练的曾多,动作将变得更加精确,像将两条电缆在单个管中以相反的方向拉动。

Notes for 两条线的相交点-大青山2014 video

2020年5月29日星期五上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《两条线的相交点-大青山2014》这个视频。



0:40 两条线是右肘到左脚,右脚到丹田。相交点在身体前面。看不到的,多看几次,就会看到的。

1:45 这两条线的相交像剪刀,碾着走,最后来个上下颠倒,或是左右颠倒。

2:40 两条线是左脚到左手,右脚到右肘。我们要学习使两条力线相交。我们要看到老师的示范的相交点,然后复制它。

3:30 其实还要加多一条线才能真正的用上。

5:43 我们也可用对方的力作为其中体条线。自己加一个相对的力就是第二条线了。跟对方碰上后,就要保持第一条线。可以跟着跟着对方走,也可以合住他的力。重要的是他的力不变,那条线就可以保持。

11:00 松打紧拿。对方松开(不用力),就直接打他。对方顶住,就转他。

13:45 这两条线可以以不同的形式出现,交叠。

16:30 我们学习的时候,要用最大的努力模仿老师,记住老师的用词与动作,最终是会做到与明白的。一定不要用自己的词语去解释或代替老师的用词。这不是学习,是改变、曲解。

17:04 一位同学问在哪儿加呢?老师说只要不在第一条线上都可以。其实这个问题常常听到。每个学生都会问。不敢问出口,心里也会问。问是因为看不见老师做了什么,根据什么来做。这个唯有有规律地跟着规矩地练习,常常看视频,有机会就跟老师试手。慢慢就会能看到多一点,越练就越有趣味。

18:30 当对方松的时候,要找到一条实(不动)的线,然后加一点。

20:06 不动可以在方向的。当你顺着对方走,就是没有改方向。那个力是在轨道上运行,那轨道就是那条线。

20:35 方向没改,加距离。加距离可以是同方向,也可以是反方向。两个都是在轨道上走。

22:00 看老师的腰,看似全身都在动,但是腰没动过。动与不动就分了阴阳。

Monday, May 25, 2020

Notes for 转关-太极拳的扣 video

2020年5月26日星期二上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《转关-太极拳的扣》这个视频。



0:45 能开关节就像一个拳头放在另外一只手里不移位地转。这是一个指导性慨念。如果做不了,我们就不能有一个不动点。

2:00 陈老师解释什么是转关。重要的是我们是不能用单一个动作完成三百六十度的转。我们要用两个或以上的动作来完成的。这是太极里面最大的秘密。老师示范解扣是什么意思,它可以是换一个位置,让原来的动作不再被堵住。

3:25 我们好好看一看这个示范。看老师怎样做完上半身的动作(没路走),不动,做下半身的动作来解扣,下半身不动,上半身又可以继续走了。这就是转关,开关的意思。

4:00 生活中有一个扣,叫玄关。按照大自然一般的规矩是过不去的。你要很高的德,才能有这个能力,但是你是不许可用它的。如果你是真正的过去,你是不一样的。要过也是大自然给你过,要不你要死了才能过。

8:19 就算是你知道,真正来到的时候,还是过不去的。在这示范中,原来的点在陈旭教练的右手,老师一转就变到陈旭教练的左手。

9:00 真的有这个能力的人,是不能用它的,因为它能伤人。但听下来,这句话像骗人的。真人不露相,露相非真人。

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Notes for 大青山陈中华讲课2014年6月2日 video

2020年5月22日星期五上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《大青山陈中华讲课2014年6月2日》这个视频。




0:34 陈老师解释了为何手不能动。如只动手的话,书就会掉下。

2:18 腰一定要比手的速度快。腰是催着手的。陈老师以前说过推手就是这个意思。火箭的比喻。冲击力从后面推动火箭的。

5:45 我们要把身体填满,合在里面,不让它出来。在里面的就是能量。要保持健康,里面要饱满。身体凑下坡的时候,里面就开始装不满。

8:00 有舒服的感觉都是消耗精力。

8:22 睡觉就是假死。活是不睡,死是睡了不醒。睡是活与死中间留一线。

10:26 陈老师讲了陈抟老祖与太极尺的故事。

16:00 氧气分量刚刚好,僅僅可以让蜡烛燃烧烧下去不灭。这时练功的秘诀,让它练到最长。传功也是一样,不多也不少传下去。

17:22 陈老师讲了意念是什么。里面一团火,动作很少,别人看不见,一股力就传到手上。不到这个境界,说意念就是瞎说八道。我们练拳就要练到其他地方都被封死,丹田一抖,就到手上。

19:00 大是憋出来的,越憋越大。憋到错的地方,就会生病,会弄坏那个地方。练这个功很严格,不是开玩笑。


4:00 陈老师说飞机喷设引擎是靠空气的反弹推动飞机的。太极拳里面的动作也是靠这个原理的。

7:48 我们的动作中间有个点。点后的东西往后,就能把点前的顶向前。

20:20 黄金不会氧化。不会变多,也不会变少。


Monday, May 18, 2020

Notes for Stretch in Push Hand video


0:10 The common mistake we have is that we move the shoulder after we use the upper body to lock the opponent.  Master Chen instructed Brennan (the student in white T-shirt) after locking, instead of moving the shoulder, he should rotate the waist (or the dantian area) to cause the hand to continue its trajectory.

1:05 When we lock one part, it cannot change or move anymore when the 2nd action is added. The 2nd action must hit the same part that is locked.

2:30 With the part that is locked, the 2nd action will cause the power to come out of the first locked part.

2:49 In the two demonstrations of the leg movements, what's the difference?  The first one is using the underside of the front leg to pull the rear leg up. The 2nd one is using the rear leg to push forward.

4:42 Within our body, we find a position to lock something, and then stretch something else.  In the demonstration, the right shoulder is locked to the right kua, the right hand is then stretched out from that shoulder-kua axis.

6:15 The appearance of water can go over/around a rock demonstrates its ability to stretch from one spot to another. We normally view that as the flow of water.  The image of a slinky going down a staircase comes to mind. Movements are created by differential in pressure, e.g. there is no wind if there is no difference in air pressure.

8:40 Master Chen typically will touch the opponent 3 times, to make the opponent think that he is at a certain place, but the 4th time he is no longer there.

9:28 Master Chen showed clearly how he made the student feel the power at the student's chest on the initial contact, then Master Chen switched to a different spot on the student's body.  He used the stick to illustrate that he moved something that the opponent couldn't see.

11:07 Watch carefully the two different actions he did. The first one is moving the front forward, the second one is moving the back backward. We need to reach a level that we are doing all sorts of things, but the opponent totally is unaware of them.

13:15 Eventually, all the important moves are done 100% without detection by the opponent.

14:30 We need to have good foundation. We use the ground a lot because it is typically not moving. However, if there is something over your head that is not moving, that can be used as foundation as well.

Notes for 推手技巧及理论-大青山2014 video

2020年5月19日星期二上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《推手技巧及理论》这个视频。



0:26 跟对方合住后,定住上身,只动脚。

0:27 合住后,不动点在陈老师右胯前,空中一点。动脚的时候,这一点不动,对方就翻后了。

0:45 我们很多时的问题是,合住后,动上身(动肩)。

2:00 跟着对方动作走,再加一点。

3:36 我们推手到关键的时候,我们不知道那一点在哪。跟着的视频陈老师让学生试试找那一点的位置。

5:50 陈旭教练的背后有一条竖线。左右对他都没用,他可以像旋转门那样转。陈老师顺着这条线往上伸延。陈旭教练就往前倒下。

6:19 陈老师的定住右腰的一点,右手跟这一点拉伸。结果就是围绕这一点的转。这右手的拉伸也是跟着陈旭教练背后的竖线走的。

10:44 陈老师能做到我们见到的效果是因为它能瞄准。

11:55 陈老师说用一根指头,就是一根指头。这指头只会跟着特定的轨道走。我们一般的问题是不知到轨道在哪。就算知道,想动指头,别的身体部分也会跟着走分不开阴阳。

17:50 道就是自然规律。好的枪手就是能看到子弹的轨道。每一个行业都有它自己的规律。

19:10 入门就是基本功打好了,进去就能看到。

21:00 万物是平等的,不平等的是维。你住一楼,我住二楼,我们不知道大家的存在。

22:30 我们练太极就是要练出虚(空)来。虚是大巨人或是力量怎样大也没用。在峭壁外,羽毛、铁球也会掉下去。

23:00 陈老师讲了太阳与风的故事。太阳能穿过玻璃,但风不可以。玻璃就是一个关。关是对自己百分之百过不去的,对别人来说不是一回事。

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Notes to Power-to-Hand Training

Master Chen gave specific corrections to each student at the workshop for one specific move, which is called "sink the waist to press elbow" (煞腰压肘 sha yao ya zhou). Each student exhibited both common and individual mistakes that were corrected by Master Chen. This video provides a large amount of focused material for us to learn to send power to our hands.


Key Points are:
  1. Connect the hand to the rear foot.
  2. Shoulder goes down to the kua, while the kua comes up to the shoulder.
  3. Press the elbow on the opponent, and don't allow it to move anymore. Stretch to the finger.
  4. When it is done right, there is a centrifugal force (unexpected power).
  5. Whenever the opponent is strong, we stretch. Whenenver the opponent is weak, we just hit him.
  6. Shoulder stays on top of the kua, and this forms an axis. The hand stretches around this axis. It stretches so much that it goes around and touches the kidney (your back).
  7. There is so much stretch that you are encapsulating the opponent.
  8. If we can't transmit the power to the hand, the arm is going to be broken.
  9. 20:40 Master Chen demonstrated how to get around the opponent, and progressively switch the pivot to complete the rotation. He also demonstrated how to turn the incoming power from the opponent into a non-moving dot, from which the power travels outside through a stretch.
  10. We need to create length (to be long).
Common mistakes are:
  1. Shoulder gets away from the kua.
  2. Shoulder pops.
  3. Shoulder pushes into the opponent.
  4. Shoulder moves in the direction of the hand.
  5. We stand too high.
  6. Our movements are making ourselves short.
Better examples are at:
1:08, 1:22, 1:40, 6:08, 9:28, 10:34, 12:13, 15:15, 18:00

Notes for 只进不退的打法-北京2014 video

2020年5月15日星期五上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《只进不退的打法-北京2014》这个视频。




1:00 对手进多少,陈老师就反方向进多少。原来小臂被推的地方没动过。

1:43 所有被碰的地方都变成不动的支点。

2:38 如果对方的力从上面来,回去的力可以从下面走。正好一个圈。上半跟下半中间是有一个支点(不动点)。

6:45 陈老师在对方最有佳位置的前一刻,对上,把力带回到对方那儿。这是加了速度,改变了节奏,不让对方的力出来。另外一个方法是过了最有佳位置的一刻,加一点。

8:20 理论要跟经验结合才有用。经验是要时间累赘的。理论初时是没有用,因为做不了,即不明白。理论与经验需要磨合。对方不好的地方,我们不知道,并错过了。

10:00 对着一个高手,就像在一个球上,不平不稳。你可能会自己像:我还没准备好!陈老师给的45度的接触。


3:25 陈老师示范拉到对方背后的方法是用一点对上对方的一点,只拉这一点,拉出一条线,其他的地方不动。也可说在管子里拉。

5:45 当我们没有基本技术的东西,如什么是出手、收肘,我们不可能有真正的用法。不懂开枪,怎能射中目标呢?

6:30 高功夫就是动作准确性高。

11:01 收肘尽了,就撤步,维持在原来收肘的轨道上。这是把原来的线延长。

Monday, May 11, 2020

Notes for 让学员反复试手-大青山2014 video



1:02 看上去陈老师再打人,但实际的动作是手碰到对方,手不动跟对方合住,开里面的。两边(可以是前后或左右)要对称。这跟用劲没有关系。开、合、推、拉都要对上。对得上就有劲。

2:18 陈老师这个动作是从丹田往外开的,往头、两手、两脚开的,五点外挣。初时,我们可以先注意,一只手跟一只脚对开。

3:07 陈老师把一个面变成一个点,大概在小臂的中间一点。

5:12 陈老师这么一拉就是对准对方后面一点。这条线是很细、很直、很长的。就算对方倒地,这条线还是继续延长的。

7:10 我们可以用初收的动作来练面边成线,线边成点。

8:13 陈老师用拳头做了一个转动的示范。这告诉的我们什么呢?整体来说,这个拳头没动过。如果我们只看拳面上的任何一点,它都可以是往下走,或可以是往上走。但是如有一点往下走,一定有一点相对的往上走。有这样的一对,才可以是真正的不动。陈老师所以说要对上。

9:15 动得太大没有劲,动得太小必被堵,我们只能刚刚好。有听劲就是已经把这个位置记住了,一找就找到了。这个位置在身上叫关,在身外叫窍。我们要反复看陈老师跟着寻找窍得示范。

22:22 陈老师示范了一个练习。用手先拉开对方,用尽后,定住手,用要再把手拉得更开。

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Notes for 恒劲-香港 video

2020年5月7日星期五上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《恒劲-香港》这个视频。





0:30 Power requires coordination and integrity. However, when fighting against Master Chen, the opponent needs to compromise the integrity in order to regroup and fight against him as his move is not at where the opponent thinks. During the regrouping, the opponent will lose power.
力量需要协调和完整性。 但是,与陈老师对抗时,对手需要再次整合去找陈老师力量所在,因为陈老师的动作不是在对手想像一般。在整合期间,对手不能保持力量。

1:30 This is a matching exerice. Matching can be of either direction as if on a track or inside a tube. Therefore, if we get off the track or outside of the tube, it's not matching. It is very difficult to be able to do it in real situations.

5:13 A student asked what if the opponent just does an attack to Master Chen. Master Chen reply was that the opponent's arm would break. At this time, if we hold the arm solid, we can't rotate. If we try to rotate, we don't have power. We need to train to be able to have power yet we can rotate. This is gongfu
一个学生问陈老师若果对手直接一拳攻击陈老师,情况会怎样。 陈老师的回答是对手的胳膊会断。此时,如果我们将胳膊固定,则无法旋转。 如果我们尝试旋转,我们就没力量。 我们需要训练到能够在有力量下还能旋转。这就是功夫。

6:35 Master Chen demonstrated how he maintained power at the fist while he rotated using the rest of his body. There is movement but there is no fluctuation of power.

7:45 When you can create a steady force in your body, we say you are like steel. When you can rotate without losing that power, you are like cotton. Those are only analogies. In reality, it means make your body like steel, and make the steel rotate.
当您可以在体内产生稳定的力量时,我们就说您就像钢铁一般。 当您能旋转而不掉劲时,就像棉花一样。 这些只是比喻。实际上,这意味着使您的身体像钢铁一样,并使钢铁旋转。

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Notes for Dantian and Pivoting video

In this video, Master Chen demonstrated how dantian would rotate itself, and it would handle incoming force.  This video was so important to me that I wrote two articles which main idea came from this video years later without realizing that until now.

See you online at 10 am on Saturday, May 9, 2020 at


Welcome everyone to this video! I have provided the following guided reference. Please feel free to ask any questions related to the video.

1:12 It was very funny looking at myself in this video. My footing was fine at first. As I pushed Master Chen, I started to slide. What happened?

1:55 Master Chen explained using the analogy of a ball inside a cradle.
We train to have an open kua. If we succeed, this structure will be in place. When someone pushes the ball, the ball will just turn.  The work is in the training, which happens before we come in contact with an opponent.  If we try to do something at the time when an opponent pushes us, that's wrong.

3:59 The real intention is without intention. The true intention is made into the machine. Whatever that is suppsoed to happen won't deviate. It cannot do anything other than what it is made to do. We train out body to do what it is meant to do, and it will just do that.

As I re-watched this video to prepare for the class, I had a realization. I wrote an article about "intent" on Nov. 20, 2019:  I cross checked what I wrote there with what Master Chen was saying in this video.  In particular, I wrote the following:

Hugo mentioned water drop rolling down the window.
Shifu also mentioned before, “Real intent is no intent”.
My thinking at the moment is that it is about the inevitable consequence when something is done. Nothing needs to be forced by me.
If A is done, B must become the result, then A is an intent. However, there is a relationship between A and B that must be maintained, otherwise, A is not an intent. e.g. A is your push on a revolving door, B is the resolving door rotating and hitting you back. The relationship is that the solid door with a non-moving axis that it can rotate on. With that relationship, you know that when you do A, B must become the result (there is no other possibility). A is indirect with B.
At the time, when I wrote the article I didn't remember this video, but Master Chen had talked about intent in a number of occasions.  My realization was that he planted the seed so long ago, but it took me 5 years to be able to write it back out. He is an amazing teacher.

5:50 Master Chen showed with two examples involving the floor.
1) The floor at his foot.
2) The floor at his shoulder.
He always teaches an idea (pinciple/rule/concept), we need to apply it in different situations without changing the original idea.

He used the example of teaching counting to young children. He would say 1 apple, 2 apples.  The children would say they got it. The next day, he would say 1 pear, 2 pears.  The children would ask what happened to the apples. The focus was on the apples, but Master Chen wanted to teach 1 and 2.  Without the physical objects, it was hard to introduce the concept of 1 and 2, which would go on as fundamentals for other mathematical things, and are not limited to apples and pears.

In taiji, one of the most amazing things I admired in Master Chen was how he could see Yin and Yang in everything.  I mentioned this before in an article titled "Clarity":

13:38 Our "party" syndrome is very strong meaning we cannot separate our body parts. They are linked together and would go the same way or do the same thing or are affected at the same time.

15:52 We must be factual. If we say that we are following a line, that use a physical device to guarantee that, and not just imagine it in our head.  If we need to 100 times of something, we must do 100 times (5 sets of 20 times are ok too), but we can't allow ourselves to stop at 30 for whatever reason if we set the goal of 100.

17:11 Lastly, follow instructions.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Notes for 带格子2015一路4 video

2020年5月4日星期二上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《带格子2015一路4》这个视频。






-  数的是:1234,12,12
- 1234 是跟上云手的1234 一样的。
- 12中的1是正圈出右手,正圈收左肘,同时左脚不动,右脚在左脚后面过。
- 12中的2是定住右脚,正圈出左手,正圈收右肘,左脚往前。

- 中云手后,两手是朝左边的。用双正圈把它们换到朝右边:正圈出右手,正圈收左肘。
- 定住双手。转腰把重心转到左脚上。
- 以作肩胯为肘,不起肩、不起头,右脚摆一个圈,脚面碰到双手。(不能动手打脚面)

- 重心在右脚。挡离地有几寸的距离。
- 右手跟左脚跟要撑开。
- 左膝盖直的,左脚趾往上。
- 右脚上步。

- 重心在左脚。
- 正圈收右肘。
- 正圈出右手,反圈出左手。
- 抬起右脚。

- 反圈收右肘,反圈出右手。
- 两手在两侧。
- 正圈收左肘,反圈出右手。
- 正圈出左手,反圈手右肘。
- 正圈收左肘。
- 正圈出左手,反圈出右手。
- 抬起左脚。

- 脚走45度三次
- 两手拉开,开尽的时候,前脚跟步。

- 45度,右脚叉步,左脚上步。
- 双反圈出手。

- 扣左脚,右脚横着走。
- 反圈收左肘。
- 定住右肘、右膝盖。
- 左边像锤子打钉一样。

- 右手正圈,左手反圈。
- 开左胯。
- 右脚上步,再点一步。
- 做白鹤亮翅定式。

- 跟之前谈过的一样。

- 跟前的有点不同。
- 定住右肘,收左肘。
- 左手拿着右肘,一起拉到中间,反弹出右手。
- 保持右臂的一条线,出左手。
- 之后的跟之前的闪通背一样。

- 用腰挡跨把对方压下来。
- 蹬右脚,右脚叉再左脚前面、左脚再往前走。动作横着走,身体不能起来。
- 做掩手肱捶。

- 左转身,点步。
- 做六封四闭两个正圈后的部分。

- 跟之前谈过的一样,但在勾手前加了一个反圈。


-  数的是:1234,12,12
- 1234 是跟上/中云手的1234 一样的。
- 12中分别在盖步。右脚在左脚前面进步。
- 右脚往前的时候,正圈出右手,正圈收左肘。

- 这个高探马跟之前的基本是一样的。
- 只是在最后腰撤一步才收右肘。

- 出右手的时候要绕过一个轴。开右胯,左脚上步。
- 跟着有抱肘的动作。
- 定住左胯,摆右脚。
- 再做海底翻花。

- 掩手肱捶指着裆往下打。

- 开左胯,左转。
- 收右肘。
- 出右手,收左肘。来开他们。

- 跟之前谈过的一样。

- 跟之前谈过的一样。

- 收肘在前面合住。
- 拉开左脚到右肘。
- 左脚是贴地的。

- 重心移到左脚。
- 定住左膝盖,上右步,右肘合住跟着上来。

- 双手挤出去。
- 退右脚。
- 收肘。
- 转身。
- 双反圈出手。
- 右手高、左手低。

- 收肘。
- 开右胯。
- 以右肩胯为轴,转身。
- 左脚上步。
- 双正圈:出右手、收左肘。
- 定住左胯,摆右脚。

- 收左肘,收左脚。
- 出左脚。
- 定住左膝盖,出左拳。

- 开左胯。
- 左脚掌落地,正拳收右肘,合住。
- 用脚掌为轴,上身不动左转,右脚跟绕着轴转。
- 抬起右脚。
- 做捣碓。
- 双手回到两侧。
