Thursday, August 13, 2020

Notes for TOMAR20-3 阴阳(英文)video

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2020年8月15日星期六上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《TOMAR20-3 阴阳(英文)》这个视频。


Movement is yin, and structure is yang. Master Chen demonstrated what that meant in this video. There were also other discussions on yin-yang theory, which requires constant practice and understanding.


0:07 Our movement must be divided into yin and yang. We must lock up our body, and the movement must not be part of that body, and yet it is not phyaically outside.

0:07 我们的动作必须分为阴和阳。我们必须定住我们的身体,动作一定不能成为该身体的一部分,但也它不在该身体外部。

1:29 Here comes Joseph Chen vs Chen Zhonghua. Joseph Chen pushes the kua, Chen Zhonghua'body is affected. When Joseph Chen stops pushing, Chen Zhonghua goes back to the original position.

1:29 约瑟夫对陈中华。约瑟夫是陈老师的英文名字Joseph的译音。约瑟夫推陈中华的胯,陈中华的身体受到影响。当约瑟夫不推时,陈中华回到原来的位置。

2:58 Within the same physical body, the action is a movement, the structure has no movement.

2:58 在同一身体内,动作是动,结构是不动。

Master Chen gave two examples about same but not the same.


3:50 1st example of a hand holding a screw driver: The hand is holding a screw driver. The hand and the screw driver handle become one.  The hand is not considered outside of the handle, and yet it is not part of the screw driver.

3:50 第一个例子是手握住螺丝刀:手中握有螺丝刀。手和螺丝刀手柄合二为一。手不是在手柄之外,但它也不是螺丝刀的一部分。

4:42 2nd example of a steel bar vs a steel cable: The steel cable are made of multiple steel threads twisted together, and it is not the same as a solid steel bar.

4:42 第二个例子是钢筋与钢缆:钢缆是由多根绞合在一起的钢丝制成的,与实心钢筋不同。

5:20 Back to the screw driver example, the hand turns the screw driver, the action is at the hand, but the result is on the screw driver.  Without the screw driver, the same action on the hand is not meaningful, and none of that action comes from the screw driver itself.

5:20 回到螺丝刀的例子,手转动螺丝刀,动作在手,但是结果在螺丝刀上。没有螺丝刀,手上的相同动作就没有意义,并且这些动作都不来自螺丝刀本身。

5:50 Our body needs to move 100%, but none of that comes from us. Currently, the problem is that we move the body ourselves.

5:50 我们的身体需要百分之百的动,但这都不是我们自己做的。当前,问题是我们自己动身体。

6:48 Exercise: Master Chen locked right shoulder, right kua, and middle of the torso. He used his left kua to cause movements of those three points, while those three points did not change relative to each other.

6:48 练习方法:陈老师定住右肩,右拳和躯干中间。他用他的左胯使这三点移动,而那三点并没有相对的改变。

8:13 Student 1 was trapped among the legs of a chair that is placed horizontally across his body. Master Chen and Student 2 pulled on the legs of the chair. The chair was moved, and so did Student 1. This happened because the chair absolutely did not move.

8:13 第一个学生被困在横放的椅子的脚之间。陈老师和第二个学生拉着椅子的腿。椅子被移动了,第一个学生也被移动了。之所以发生这种情况,是因为椅子绝对没有动。

9:30 The action is the yin part, while the structure is the yang part (the not moving part).

9:30 动作是阴性,而结构是阳性(不动)。

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