Thursday, August 27, 2020



  1. 手不动。手跟后脚成一线。
  2. 动作要从丹田拧出来ya。
  3. 不要有肩。肩不能往前(手的方向)。
  4. 胯顶着肘,肘转把手挤出去。
  5. 胯往上,由胸到头顶作为一根竖轴。
  6. 肩往下,压到肘,再到手。
  7. 胯上肩下使竖轴两侧一上一下。

Six Sealing Four Closing

  1. Hands don't move. Create a line between the front hand and rear foot.
  2. The action must be coming out of dantian.
  3. Front shoulder must disappear. Shoulder must not go forward (in the same direction of the hand).
  4. The front kua needs to connect with the front elbow. The front kua pushes the elbow to squeeze the non-moving hand out.
  5. Kua must go up through the chest to the top of the head as a vertical rod.
  6. Front shoulder must go down to squeeze to the elbow, and then to the hand.
  7. Kua up shoulder down to create the opposites along the sides of the veritical rod.
  8. 3 main directions of splits to be trained:
    1. Twisting the Towel - front and back
    2. Fetch Water - Up and down
    3. Six Sealing Four Closing - Sideways in and out
  9. Afternoon session exercises:
    1. Lock upper arm, then stretch hand down
    2. Lock the hand, stretch along the line between the front shoulder and the hand. Shoulder must go back more than the hand going forward. Shoulder must eventually go down to the rear foot.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Notes for 28届大青山-13 齿轮箱 video

2020年8月27日星期六上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《28届大青山-13 齿轮箱》这个视频。




4:46 一动无有不动: 齿轮在咬合后,那一个齿轮动,其他的齿轮都会一起动。那个齿轮停,所有齿轮也会停。我们练的就是要把身体的齿轮练起来。对方碰着远远的齿轮,我动我这边的一个齿轮,对方就挡不住了。

5:25 所有齿轮一起在转的时候,它们所有的中轴没动过。齿轮箱整体没动过。动的是每个齿轮的边。齿轮箱外面不动,里面的齿轮动,齿轮轴不动。

6:25 如有三个齿轮,拿走中间的一个,剩余的两个齿轮就没关系了。一个动,另外一个就不会动。

6:37 陈老师示范了一般的直接力:直接拷打对方。

6:50 陈老师示范第一层的间接力。加了其他齿轮就变成多层间接力。留意的是要有间接力,要有不动的地方,力才能到达对方。加力的地方一直在晃动就不行。

8:27 这个齿轮有的力其实很大,我们是不敢把自己放在其中的。

10:20 实用拳法没有推也没有拉,只有做这些齿轮的动作。齿轮箱不会找你麻烦,但你如果被夹在其中就不行了。

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

多伦多讲座2016-1 着法 (中文)

2020年8月28日星期五上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《多伦多讲座2016-1 着法 (中文)》这个视频。





3:29 陈老师的右手抓着的对方的右手,这是要跟对方建立关系。收右肘的时候,左胯顶上,这跟右肘对拉。右肘一方面拉对方,左胯一方面堵住他,不让他往前走。陈老师一沉,力到对方后脚上。原来陈老师收右肘的须然没变,但跟现在的堵住对方后脚的力,变成的旋转。对方后脚是不动点,陈老师右肘是动点。

3:40 陈老师一沉就是瞄准着对方的后脚。

4:30 这位同学继续说意念,因为他自己不明白,做不了。他只能幻想以下。这是普遍的问题。这样想没有用。我们要练习使自己能做它出来。那是,我们就会明白的。

5:50 有用的东西跟意念都没有关系。如果我们能把握这核心重要的东西(有了法),我们就能练出来。但我们生活中有太多迷惑,掩眼的东西,使我们的脑袋不清晰。



- 顶着头

- 各司其职zheng

- 工厂工人做工,不是每个人做同一工作,但是同一时间工作。

- 例子:脚自己前后走,中轴保持竖直不动,手往外,肘往里。


- 做正圈,第三动,要倒手。

- 转腰后,顶着肘,手翻过来。

- 节节贯穿

- 手与肘要有关系,要分先后的动。像在管了里走。

- 用太极缠棍练倒手.用单手转这根棍。如用两只手转这根棍,就很容易。

- 要拧开瓶盖:先定着瓶身,拧瓶盖。拧完后,手放开瓶盖,把手放到原来放在瓶盖,抓着瓶盖,再拧。

- 这个是转关的概念。

Moving Step Positive Circle

- Hold your head up, tuck the chin.

- Each body part performs its own duty. Don't merge together.

- Factory workers work, not everyone does the same job, but at the same time.

- Example: Move the feet back and forth by themselves, keep the central axis upright, move your hand out and elbow in.

- The waist must go backward while the hand goes forward.

倒手 Dao Shou (Repositioning of the hand)

- Postive Circle: Third count: to reverse the hand.

- After turning the waist, press the elbow and turn your hand over.

- Going through one by one. A training going through a tunnel, the train head must go through first, and one car by one car following.  The hand and elbow must not be competing against each other for the same job.

-There must be a relationship between the hand and the elbow. It's like going through a tube.

-Use 太极缠棍 Taiji Chan Gun to train using a single hand to rotate a stick. It's easy to turn the stick with two hands. Using one hand means to separate different parts of the hand to actual as two.

-To open a jar, hold the jar and twist the cap. After rotating the cap a bit, let go of the cap, put the hand back on the original position of the cap, hold the cap, and twist it again. Repeat until the cap can be removed from the jar.  If we never let of the cap, and just move the hand to rotate the cap, the cap will only go back and forth, and it can't come off. There is a need to reposition the hand, and so the next move can can continue from the last end point.

-This is the concept of turning over of the joint. It requires switching to continue to advance.

Double Agent 无间道

The middle can belong to the front, and later it can belong to the back.

In Positive Circle, the shoulder belongs to the arm with in-with-elbow. The shoulder belongs to the waist with out-with hand. The shoulder can switch roles.

In 1-2-3, 1-2 can work together, 2-3 can work together, but not 1-3.

Going Over

The boat going forward in the water requires the boat to go over the waves. It is advancing. It is a smooth switch.

Friday, August 21, 2020


  • 双下挤
  • 庇身捶 怎样转棍才能通过门口的方法? 常常想这是不同维的例子。

    • 右小臂横着,左小臂直的。右小臂刀切一条线一样。碰到线后,像用匙羹挖豆腐一样,叫《着法》。
    1. 反圈出手是手走肩出来的一条线。
    2. 手往外,肩往里,丹田往下,头往上。肩压下,通到手指头。
    3. 肘永远弯的。
    4. 手走一点,卡住,肩走一点,卡住,手再走一点,卡住,肩再走一点,卡住。反复的做。
    1. 右肘回来,左手出去。左肘回来,右手出去。
    2. 中轴不动,把轴拉回来。
    3. 可以有两个人在两边抓住两个手腕,给一点小小对抗,慢慢适应后,加大力量练。
    4. 眼盯着一个方向。
    一横一直,出来的是弧。对方停不住齿轮箱。 并轨(merge together) -  两个部位在同一轨道上走。
    • 不并轨的例子:六封四闭 - 前手往前,后手往后,中轴不动只转。

    我还没有中轴,没有把他竖起来,跟其他动作分开。 一切都必须连到丹田上,包括头部,两手,两肩,两胯和两脚。 当收肘时,力在丹田(就像我们做仰卧起坐一样),必须要收紧。

    Two ways to do Double Negative Circle:
    1. Double Downward Squeeze
    2. Fist Drape Over Body
    Think about how to pass a stick through the doorway. If a stick is 4-feet long, and the doorway is only 3 feet wide, it can't pass through it. We turn the stick vertically, it can go through if the doorway is more than 4 feet tall. If the doorway is only 3 feet tall, we need to turn it one more time, so that we can poke through the doorway. To the doorway, it only sees a dot although the stick is coming at it. This is an example of changing dimension.

    Think about rotation. If you only see that dot, and the dot is not tossing or being displaced, even when it rotates, you will only see a dot.

    Fist Protecting Heart
    1. The right forearm is horizontal and the left forearm is vertical. The right forearm knife cuts/intersects the line created by the left forearm. After touching the line, the right forearm can do a scooping action like using a spoon to scoop tofu/jello, which is called "着法 Zhuo Fa".

    Double Downword Squeeze
    1. For the negative circle, the hand goes out along a line projected out from the shoulder. As the arm opens, the elbow must stop as it hits the wall coming up from the thigh, then the hand continues going out.
    2. Hands go out, shoulders come in, dantian goes down, head goes up. Press down on your shoulders to squeeze the power through to your fingers.
    3. The elbow is always bent, like a boomerang.
    4. The hand goes out a little bit, and get stuck. The shoulder goes down a little bit, and get stuck. The hand goes out a little bit more, and get stuck. The shoulder goes down a little bit more, and get stuck. Repeat this process until the elbows can come in.
    Fist Drape Over Body
    1. In with the elbowright elbow and out with the left hand, then in with the left elbow and out with the right hand.
    2. The central axis does not move but rotate, and the elbow is pulled back.
    3. As an exercise, there can be two people grabbing the two wrists on both sides, giving a little bit of resistence at the begining, and gradually adapting to increase their strength. This trains to use central axis to pull in the elbows.
    4. Keep the eyes looking in one direction during this move.
    When we have a horizontal action, and then a vertical action, the result is a curve. When you have a number of these horizontal and veritical actions going simultaneously, you have a gear box that an opponent can't stop.

    Merge together
    • Two parts go on the same track.
    • Examples of NOT merging together: In Six Sealing Four Closing, the front hand moves forward, the back hand moves backward, and the center axis does not move but only rotates.
    When communicating, speak in the simplest language (lowest denominator), so everyone can understand. For someone who does not understand, he/she will start imagining, and go to the wrong direction. Master Chen gave me the following correction: I don't have a central axis yet, it must be erected and separated from the other actions. Everything must be tied to the dantian, including head, two hands, two shoulders, two kuas, and two feet. As the elbow comes in, the dantian must be activated (like when we do sit-ups), there needs to be a crunch.

    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Notes for TOMAR20-5 庇身捶(英文)video

    2020年8月22日星期六上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《TOMAR20-5 庇身捶(英文)》这个视频。


    Master Chen Zhonghua explans the Practical Method signature move: Fist Drape Over Body. This move requies coordination of the entire body. Master Chen gave Kelvin Ho a lot of detailed corrections. 


    2:48 The beginning of our movement must be at the end of the opponent's. There must be no gap. If there is a gap, everything is reset. There is no advantage for us.

    2:53 Fist Drape Over Body Requirements:

    1. Hand, Elbow and shoulder form a boomerang (a triangle missing a side). When we do Fist Drape Over Body, we must maintain the boomerang shape at all times with each arm. My problem was that I changed the shape of the boomerang (I opened my elbow specially). At the beginning of the move, I also didn't place my elbow at the right place. Master Chen corrected me multiple times.
    2. The stance shouldn't be too wide nor too small. It should be wide enough to create a challenge.
    3. In order to move the right boomerang, we need to engage the right shoulder and kua. Press the shoulder down while push the kua up. This will cause the tail bone to shoot up.
    4. The right kua and left chest is a rod. It will become longer. The increase in length matches the rotation of the right boomerang.
    5. As we do in with right elbow, the left hand will automatically go out and down in a negative circle manner.
    6. The 3rd bone on the neck and the tail bone form an axis, which will extend or contract as the left and right sides of the move switch.

    2:53 庇身捶要求:

    1. 双反圈:手不能过中线。
    2. 手、肘、肩是个开口三角形。做动作时,这个三角形不变形。我的问题是三角形的开口太大,肘没有放到合适的位置。陈老师改了我肘的位置几次。
    3. 马步不能太大,也不能太小,刚好给自己一点挑战就可以了。
    4. 要转动那个右边的开口三角形,我们需要右肩胯。右胯上顶、右肩压下。这个转换会使尾骨往上。
    5. 右胯跟左胸是一根轴。这根轴会边长。这个变长是根开口三角形的转时配合的。
    6. 收右肘的时候,左手会自动以反圈出去往下。
    7. 颈骨第三节跟尾骨这根轴在庇身捶左右两边转换的时候会伸长缩短。

    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Master Chen's Online Lesson on Aug 18, 2020

    Morning Session
    1-2-3 in general means that we must have a method, and there is a procedure. We have to listen with our eyes.  We can't just close our eyes and say that we are listening.

    Notes for TOMAR20-4 阴阳(英文)video

    2020年8月21日星期五上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《TOMAR20-4 阴阳(英文)》这个视频。



    0:30 Which part is yin and which part is yang? Yin and Yang are two separate and opposite parts. As long as there are two, it is not really matter how we name them.

    0:30 哪一部分是阴,哪一部分是阳?阴和阳是两个相对的部分。只要有两个,我们如何命名它们并不重要。

    1:17 For a technical discussion, it is easier to always refer an object to be yin, and the action to be yang, so that we are always consistent. However to reach a high level, we will need to be able to switch them, and reverse the thinking.

    1:17 对于技术讨论,总是将死物称为“阴”,将动作称为“阳”,以便我们始终保持一致。但是,要达到更高的水平,我们将需要能够对调它们并扭转思维。

    2:17 The perfect hold of an object, e.g. the opponent's arm, is considered crisp. Master Chen worked with a line, and he does not really see as the opponent's arm. This is why it does not matter which body part or position it is. They all more or less look the same. To hold that line, we need to be on the opposite sides of the line.

    2:17 完美的物体的操控,被认为是脆。陈老师实际控制一条线,他并不注视那是对方的哪个身体部位。这就是为什么无论是哪个身体部位或位置都不重要。要保持该线,我们需要控制该线的相反两侧。

    5:08 Master Chen asked the audience what he did to have a hold on the opponent. No body in the audience was able to answer correctly. He put his right hand behind the opponent, and his left hand on the front side of the opponent's left arm.  The opponent now looked like a board, and he touch both sides of the board. After he gave out the answer at 5:43, I went back to 5:08 to see it again.  It was like he revealed a magic that nobody sees.

    5:08 陈老师问观众学生如何控制对手。学生中没有人能够正确回答。他将右手放在对手的背后,而左手放在对手左臂的前侧。对手现在看起来像一块木板,他触摸了木板的两侧。他在5:43说出答案后,我回到5:08再看一次。就像他揭示了一个没人能看到的魔法。

    6:01 If Master Chen's right hand was placed in front of the opponent's chest, he would only have access to the opponent's arm. If the opponent came in with the whole body, Master Chen wouldn't be able to do anything with the opponent's arm only because the arm was too small.

    6:01 如果陈老师的右手只放在对手的胸前,他将只能控制对手的手臂。如果对手全身都进来,那么陈老师就只能因为手臂太小而无法做任何事情。

    6:15 What we need to learn is how Master Chen thinks. We can't rely on our current way of thinking.

    6:15 我们需要学习的是陈老师的想法。我们不能按照当前自己的思维方式进行。

    7:32 Master Chen showed an application drill that required us to connect our front elbow with the rear heal to provide a line without nothing trapped in the middle (chest). When we kick the rear heel, the impact must be felt at the front elbow.

    7:32 陈老师展示了一个用法练习,该练习要求我们将前肘与后脚跟连成一条线,力不会被困在中间(胸部)的线。当我们踩后脚跟时,必须在前肘的对拉(但前肘自己是没有动作的)。

    Monday, August 17, 2020

    写笔记的重要 The importance of note-taking

    1. 听老师:老师常常嘱咐我们要写笔记,这也是听老师的活的练习。愿不愿、想不想,都要写。
    2. 助记忆:我们的记忆不大可靠。每一课讯息很多,不记下,很快就会忘记。写笔记能逼着自己复习上课内容,加深记忆。在将来知识增长后,笔记也可帮助比对,知道现在跟以前的理解有没有改变。
    3. 知落差:我们听进的,跟老师或教练讲的可能有出入。分享到网站上,可以让老师或教练知道落差,加以纠正。
    4. 补遗留:分享到网站上,让学员之间的笔记加以互补遗留或欠缺,也可作课后的讨论。
    5. 活网站:使实用拳法网站保持是一个活跃的地方,增加大家回来学习的兴趣。
    1. 老师讲的原话。这个用作将来理解的比对。
    2. 自己现时的理解。

    Why do we take notes and share them on the website?
    1. Listen to the teacher
      Master Chen Zhonghua often reminds us to take notes. This is also an exercise of listening to the teacher. Write regardless of whether we want to or not, and then post the notes to the website.
    2. Reinforce our memory
      Our memory is not very reliable. There are so many messages in each lesson, if we don’t write them down, we will soon forget them. Taking notes can force ourselves to review the content of the class and strengthen the memory of the material. After the knowledge increases in the future, the notes can also be used for comparison and know whether the latest understanding has changed from the previous understanding.
    3. Know the gap
      What we heard may be different from what was meant by the teacher/instructor. Sharing on the website can let the teacher/instructor know any gap in our understanding and correct it.
    4. Identify any missing pieces
      Sharing the notes on the website allows students to identify any missing pieces among themselves. They can also be used for discussion after class.
    5. Generate traffic for the website
      Keep the Practical Method website active and current. This increases everyone's interest in coming back to this central hub of learning.
    We should take two forms of notes:
    1. The original exact words/terms that the teacher/instructor used. This serves as the concrete basis for development of understanding.
    2. Our understanding at the time of taking the notes.

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Dixian 底线

     Dixian 底线 (Bottom line) - Master Chen Zhonghua Zoom Lesson 2 on Augest 14, 2020

    - We use the term dixian instead of "bottom line," so that we can learn the meaning of Master Chen means for dixian. This is re-calibration.

    - Don't question a dixian

    - Whenever he says not to ask that question, that's a dixian.

    - 3 types of dixian

      - Principle

      - Concept, e.g. Suspended Head

      - Action

       - 13 basic moves in Taiji is the dixian  (8 techniques (upper body) + 5 directions (bottom body))

    - 9 steps in Circle. The 9th step is to settle. He only teaches 3 steps because otherwise we can't do the form.

    - Knowledge has no order. We sequence it to give it meaning.

    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Notes for TOMAR20-3 阴阳(英文)video

     Chinese site:

    2020年8月15日星期六上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《TOMAR20-3 阴阳(英文)》这个视频。


    Movement is yin, and structure is yang. Master Chen demonstrated what that meant in this video. There were also other discussions on yin-yang theory, which requires constant practice and understanding.


    0:07 Our movement must be divided into yin and yang. We must lock up our body, and the movement must not be part of that body, and yet it is not phyaically outside.

    0:07 我们的动作必须分为阴和阳。我们必须定住我们的身体,动作一定不能成为该身体的一部分,但也它不在该身体外部。

    1:29 Here comes Joseph Chen vs Chen Zhonghua. Joseph Chen pushes the kua, Chen Zhonghua'body is affected. When Joseph Chen stops pushing, Chen Zhonghua goes back to the original position.

    1:29 约瑟夫对陈中华。约瑟夫是陈老师的英文名字Joseph的译音。约瑟夫推陈中华的胯,陈中华的身体受到影响。当约瑟夫不推时,陈中华回到原来的位置。

    2:58 Within the same physical body, the action is a movement, the structure has no movement.

    2:58 在同一身体内,动作是动,结构是不动。

    Master Chen gave two examples about same but not the same.


    3:50 1st example of a hand holding a screw driver: The hand is holding a screw driver. The hand and the screw driver handle become one.  The hand is not considered outside of the handle, and yet it is not part of the screw driver.

    3:50 第一个例子是手握住螺丝刀:手中握有螺丝刀。手和螺丝刀手柄合二为一。手不是在手柄之外,但它也不是螺丝刀的一部分。

    4:42 2nd example of a steel bar vs a steel cable: The steel cable are made of multiple steel threads twisted together, and it is not the same as a solid steel bar.

    4:42 第二个例子是钢筋与钢缆:钢缆是由多根绞合在一起的钢丝制成的,与实心钢筋不同。

    5:20 Back to the screw driver example, the hand turns the screw driver, the action is at the hand, but the result is on the screw driver.  Without the screw driver, the same action on the hand is not meaningful, and none of that action comes from the screw driver itself.

    5:20 回到螺丝刀的例子,手转动螺丝刀,动作在手,但是结果在螺丝刀上。没有螺丝刀,手上的相同动作就没有意义,并且这些动作都不来自螺丝刀本身。

    5:50 Our body needs to move 100%, but none of that comes from us. Currently, the problem is that we move the body ourselves.

    5:50 我们的身体需要百分之百的动,但这都不是我们自己做的。当前,问题是我们自己动身体。

    6:48 Exercise: Master Chen locked right shoulder, right kua, and middle of the torso. He used his left kua to cause movements of those three points, while those three points did not change relative to each other.

    6:48 练习方法:陈老师定住右肩,右拳和躯干中间。他用他的左胯使这三点移动,而那三点并没有相对的改变。

    8:13 Student 1 was trapped among the legs of a chair that is placed horizontally across his body. Master Chen and Student 2 pulled on the legs of the chair. The chair was moved, and so did Student 1. This happened because the chair absolutely did not move.

    8:13 第一个学生被困在横放的椅子的脚之间。陈老师和第二个学生拉着椅子的腿。椅子被移动了,第一个学生也被移动了。之所以发生这种情况,是因为椅子绝对没有动。

    9:30 The action is the yin part, while the structure is the yang part (the not moving part).

    9:30 动作是阴性,而结构是阳性(不动)。

    Tuesday, August 11, 2020




    如果胯是动作三,手的动作是一,力量到手上的有二。 (对)
    如果胯是动作一,手的动作是三,力量到胯上的有二。 (不对)

    Conversion theory is universal.
    1) Car converts gas into explosion, vertical shaft action, wheel pushing against the ground, car moving forward.
    2) Water goes from sky, down as rain, into the ocean, back up to sky as vapour.



    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Notes for TOMAR20-1 虎背熊腰(英文)video

    Chinese site:

    2020年8月14日星期五上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《TOMAR20-1 虎背熊腰(英文)》这个视频。

    In this video, Master Chen explained what it meant to have a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist, and how to practice it correctly. The close-up view allowed us to see his body movements, and how he corrected the students’ mistakes. It allows the body to be more structured, and the arms to move more freely, and not affect the body by mistake. 




    1:30 Master Chen showed that the chest should be indented and the back should be protuded. Indentation and protrusion always come in a pair. The common position is to have a big and protuded chest, an indentation (a valley) at the back. When that happens, the buttocks also protrude, that's really bad. Once we cave in the chest, the back will stick out, and we also need to create a top-bottom stretch at the back.

    1:30 陈老师傅展示胸口应凹陷,背部部应凸出。凹陷和凸出总是成对出现。常见的姿势是挺起胸膛,而背部中间就变成凹陷。当这种情况发生时,臀部也会突出,变成弊端。当胸部往里,背部就会凸出,背部还需要上下伸展。

    1:50 In Six Sealing Four Closing, our chest often protrudes. We need to cave it in, so that we create a separation between the chest and the elbow. The back also opens up.

    1:50 在六封四闭中,我们的胸口经常突出。我们需要含胸,这样我们就能把胸和肘分开。背后也会打开。

    2:34 The back is the governing body, and the front is the functioning body. The back is rounded and provides the structure. This kind of back is called the Tiger's Back. What does that mean? It means that a tiger does not have a back. A Bear's Waist means that a bear does not have a waist.

    2:34 背部是管事之身,前面是行事之身。背部是圆的,并提供结构。这种背叫做虎背。那是什么意思?意思是指老虎没有背。同样,熊腰指熊没有腰。

    3:55 Tiger's Back and Bear's Waist actually indicate that our upper body should be like a cylinder, and the hands/arms can still move without the pushing the chest forward.

    3:55 虎背和熊腰实际上要救我们的上半身应该像一个圆柱体,手与臂仍然可以自由活动,而不会牵动着胸口。

    4:30 We can either train by 1) lock the shoulders, and cave in the chest, or 2) don't move the chest, and move the shoulders forward. Shoulders and chest do not move together.

    4:30 练习的方法:1)要定住肩膀,含胸 2)不动胸口,肩膀向前移。肩膀和胸口不能一起动。

    4:55 The shoulders should be like the sleeves of a jack hanging on a coat hanger. They should be in front, and not on the side of the torso.

    4:55 两肩要像挂在衣架上的大衣的袖子,。他们应该在前面,而不是在躯干的侧面。

    5:54 The back should be stretching. We should not bend at down at the waist. When we stretch, we iron out the indentations and protrusions. When we bend, we create indentations and protusions.

    5:54 背部应该要伸展。我们不应该向前弯腰。当我们伸展时,我们把凹陷和凸起部分都拉开抚平。当我们弯曲时,会产生凹陷和凸起。

    7:22 Master Chen helped a couple of students in the video make the chest cave in and pull up the back.

    7:22 陈老师在视频中帮助几个学生调整到胸口凹陷,并拔起背部。


    3:05 Tear the middle of the chest open horizontally. Master Chen demonstrated how to add this little bit when practicing single whip.

    3:05 横着撕开胸口的中间。 陈老师演示了练习单鞭时如何添加这点。

    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    Notes for 私课3-雅加达2015(英文)video

    Chinese Site:

    2020年8月六8日星期上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《私课3-雅加达2015(英文)》这个视频。



    0:23 上身不动,下身往下。碰在对方的地方不动,在远离对方的地方动。

    1:25 跟对方交手是一个勾,勾上后,用腰把对方牵倒。

    3:07 手只能就在外面,它往里走就不对。转要的时候,肘腰领着手。

    5:30  洪老师常常说收肘、收肘、收肘。收肘时,手在外面不动。肘拉对方进来,但手堵着对方,使对方别扭。陈老师自己常常说手不动。

    7:55 只要肘在里面,动作就是长。只要肘在外面,动作就是短。

    8:45 陈老师给凌教练的改正。正拳收肘后,转腰时,中指头跟肩有一条线不动。

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Notes for 私课2-雅加达2015 video

    Chinese Site:

    2020年8月7日星期五上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《私课2-雅加达2015(英文)》这个视频。



    0:50 继私课1的视频,我们继续练,上身定住不动、有一根竖轴,下身动,但那竖轴不动。

    1:05 那位同学用了一个方法,就是只动他的右胯。

    1:46 白衣同学用横的力推陈老师。老师刚好(不多不少)跟这横力对上,再加一个往下的力,把对方引到地上。当对方左脚顶住的时候,老师再加一个转绕过左腿的力。

    2:02 留意陈老师这左转的动作,上半身没横移,只有往下转,胯、膝盖、脚跟都只是调整。两个膝盖不是同样方向走的。

    2:24 留意白衣同学,他开了左胯之后,右膝盖网上,右胯成相反方向转,像在他前面开了一个洞一样。

    3:55 我们不可以冲着对方的力猛推,要改变方向。

    4:18 陈老师的左转包含了三个动作:
    1) 右手跟右肩是一根棍不动,右肘在棍下走。
    2) 左转腰,用左脚跟与右脚掌原地转。
    3) 两跨往下开,让上半身下沉,但不动。

    4:54 六封四闭的分解动作: 手、肘、腰、膝盖。最后,动作在膝盖才能让跨开让上半身下沉。