Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Notes for 恒劲-香港 video

2020年5月7日星期五上午8:30-9:30 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《恒劲-香港》这个视频。





0:30 Power requires coordination and integrity. However, when fighting against Master Chen, the opponent needs to compromise the integrity in order to regroup and fight against him as his move is not at where the opponent thinks. During the regrouping, the opponent will lose power.
力量需要协调和完整性。 但是,与陈老师对抗时,对手需要再次整合去找陈老师力量所在,因为陈老师的动作不是在对手想像一般。在整合期间,对手不能保持力量。

1:30 This is a matching exerice. Matching can be of either direction as if on a track or inside a tube. Therefore, if we get off the track or outside of the tube, it's not matching. It is very difficult to be able to do it in real situations.

5:13 A student asked what if the opponent just does an attack to Master Chen. Master Chen reply was that the opponent's arm would break. At this time, if we hold the arm solid, we can't rotate. If we try to rotate, we don't have power. We need to train to be able to have power yet we can rotate. This is gongfu
一个学生问陈老师若果对手直接一拳攻击陈老师,情况会怎样。 陈老师的回答是对手的胳膊会断。此时,如果我们将胳膊固定,则无法旋转。 如果我们尝试旋转,我们就没力量。 我们需要训练到能够在有力量下还能旋转。这就是功夫。

6:35 Master Chen demonstrated how he maintained power at the fist while he rotated using the rest of his body. There is movement but there is no fluctuation of power.

7:45 When you can create a steady force in your body, we say you are like steel. When you can rotate without losing that power, you are like cotton. Those are only analogies. In reality, it means make your body like steel, and make the steel rotate.
当您可以在体内产生稳定的力量时,我们就说您就像钢铁一般。 当您能旋转而不掉劲时,就像棉花一样。 这些只是比喻。实际上,这意味着使您的身体像钢铁一样,并使钢铁旋转。

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